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#1 2014-02-10 12:40:52

Registered: 2014-02-10
Posts: 23

Writing an iClass tag with the proxmark3


I'm currently in the process of extracting the standard security keys from the RW400 as described by Brad Antoniewicz. Before I want to invest in a RW400, or considering pulling and penetrating the RW400 glued to a moderately private area of my apartment building I would like to know if it is possible to subsequently clone my iclass card using the proxmark3 with the standard security keys? The thought of investing more money in a Omnikey does not amuse me as a poor IT student who is rather tired of sharing the same iclass card with my flatmate. The Omnikey however seems to be the only compatible hardware with software to write iclass cards. Does anyone know if there is any proxmark3 script out there to write iclass cards? Also a PM containing the standard security keys would be generally appreciated wink.


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