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Research, development and trades concerning the powerful Proxmark3 device.

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  • Logged in as ikarus
  • Last visit: Today 11:22:42


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#1 2013-03-26 14:40:03

Registered: 2008-05-21
Posts: 417

What to do if USB interface (CDC/ACM) is not working on Ubuntu/Linux

If you want to get rid of being root (run with sudo) to access the device, then add yourself to the dialout group:

$sudo adduser <username> dialout

don't forget to loggoff

If the flasher program is waiting for the proxmark to re-appear, but produces unlimited dots......., then remove the modem-manager

$sudo apt-get purge modemmanager

don't forget to reboot

please mail us if you have more (quick)fixes that I should mention.


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