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#1 2022-06-17 15:19:46

Registered: 2022-06-04
Posts: 2

Mifare Ultralight Simulator

Hi there,

I'm having some issues with simulating a Mifare Ultralight EV1 card on a Proxmark 3 RDV4. Below are the steps I've completed thus far:

I have successfully performed a sniff on the communication between an Ultralight card and a reader to obtain the 4 byte auth key for an EV1 card. I have then performed a dump operation via `hf mfu dump -k` to dump the card contents to a bin file. After performing this I used the lua script "data_mfu_bin2eml.lua" to convert the bin file to an associated eml file.

Once this was done I utilised the directive `mfu eload -ul -f <dumpEMLfile>` to load the dump into the simulator memory and then began executing the simulation via `hf mfu sim -t 2 --uid <UID>`. However, this failed when I presented the Proxmark against the reader.

My assumption with the failure is down to the fact that there was no option to specify the authentication key in the simulator and I can't find an option to do this with the Ultralight cli commands. As a last ditch effort I tried loading up the emulator via `hf mf eload -ul -f <dumpBIN>` as I figured that the bin file might contain the authentication key, but I was still having no luck during simulation.

Is there a way to specify authentication keys for MFU EV1 simulation or am I doing something fundamentally wrong here?



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