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#1 2020-09-05 21:59:31

Registered: 2019-12-10
Posts: 43

Command to turn the field on and off fast

I have an unusual use case for the Proxmark: I use it as a switchable 13.56 MHz field generator, to output morse code on an implant with LEDs activated by the NFC antenna. No selecting a chip, no talking to it, no nothing. Just field on and off. You can see what this is about here:

The problem is, I looked around in the Proxmark client's list of commands, but I couldn't find commands really dedicated to controlling the field. The best I could find was those:

Field on: hf 14a raw -a -p
Field off: hf 14a reader x s

They work, but they're quite slow. As a result, I have to limit the speed at which I can output a morse code message.

Any way of controlling the field more quickly?

Last edited by Rosco (2020-09-05 22:53:41)


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