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  • Logged in as ikarus
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#1 2009-08-19 21:45:33

Registered: 2009-08-19
Posts: 4

MIFARE Classic common questions

- What types of attacks to MIFARE Classic keys are present today?

- Is it possible to use another hardware (not proxymark) to trace the log for Crapto? If yes, which?

- Is it possible to get the keys just doing bruteforce attack? How much time approximately do I need and what?


#2 2009-08-20 01:34:39

Registered: 2009-03-30
Posts: 14

Re: MIFARE Classic common questions

1) If you look into the files section of the forum you will find all the papers concerning the attacks on Mifare Classic

2)It is possible to use other hardware. One inexpensive solution is OpenPCD and OpenPICC(though it can not even get close to proxmark capabilities) and another expensive solution is CLT Move from Comprion

3)keys are 48bits in size. That means it will take 2^47 tries aprox(^ denotes power) and with the time that it takes for each query u have to forget plain bruteforce attack. Besides with so many attacks why would you go bruteforce it?


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